Easy-Order Releases

We release new versions of our system every few weeks.

22.21 27/05/2022
  • Several improvements to kitchen screen.
21.50 16/12/2021
  • Fixed a bug that caused the discount code feature to not be available in Takeaway and Table Order systems. In the plugin/index page we have the option to activate the discount in Takeaway, and in locations/update page (Table Order tab) we have the option to activate it in Table Order (the discount input will be shown in checkout page).
  • Fixed a bug that disabled the amount of minutes to be added on delivery time option (Table Order). The minutes selected in locations/update page (Working Hours tab) will now be added to the order delivery time.
  • A new button called "Receipt" was added in the Orders Report page. This shows the receipt page of each order with items and price info. In this link we have the option to send the receipt to the client's email, if necessary.
  • We now have an option to enable or disable each combo item in the combos/index page. When disabling it, the combo will not be available for purchase.
  • The desktop receipt page was refactored to be now similar to the mobile version, with the order info placed on the center of the page.
  • The option that causes a mandatory attribute to come automatically selected was improved. This is available in the Attributes tab of the item/update page if the item has Mandatory Choices registered.
21.41 15/10/2021
  • Fixed a bug when Enable Location was off: the add to cart button wasn't disabled in Table Order.
  • Fixed a bug where the product list wouldn't scroll down in Orders Report page when the order was too big.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the total sum of Dintero to be wrong. The total would show like 148,99 instead of 149, for example.
  • New self checkout feature that doesn't use PCK browser. It's a cleaner version of our Takeaway system without checkout and only with Dintero payment option. There is a new link in tab "Links" of locations/update called "Self Checkout Without PCK URL" for this.
  • Created two options of "Enable Location": one for Takeaway and other for Table Order. This can be found in tab "Setup" of locations/update.
21.40 05/10/2021
  • Fixed a bug that caused the buffet SMS not to be sent.
  • Fixed a bug that would disable the payment button in step 2.
  • New tips layout at the table checkout. We now have tip options based on percentage or the customer can insert a custom value.
  • New layout for the pop up modal when clicking on an item in mobile version (single product page). There are buttons for selecting sizes instead of a list, new buttons positions, etc
  • Table orders made without the customer logging in (default user) now are identified with a unique device id that allow us to show the order status in the basket even without the customer login.
  • New and cleaner layout for table checkout page.
  • Setting the option "Enable Location" to off now doesn't disable the Takeaway, only table orders. When it's off, the warning message now is displayed only in the Se meny/Bestill page and the add to cart buttons are disabled.
  • The button that allows the receipt to be sent to the customer email now is shown all the time after payment. If the customer doesn't have a registered email, a pop up modal will ask for it and send a print of the receipt.
  • The basket is now hidden in the Choose Department page.
21.37 14/09/2021
  • Fixed a bug that caused a loop in table order checkout when the table number was empty.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the total sum of Orders Report to include orders that weren't paid.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the getKitchenStatus function to run on receipt even with the option turned off in locations/update page.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the creation of a new menu category.
  • Changes to the Kitchen Screen: 1 - If an orderline is set as urgent item, its status go back to New. 2 - New button "Select all" to select all orderlines of an order. 3 - When an item's printer is changed in options, the printer number is shown inside the status icon. 3 - Changed the text "Pick Up time" to "Delivery time" when it's a table order. 4 - Reduced the refresh interval from 20 to 15 minutes. 5 - New status button "In Progess" under Urgent Items.
  • The button "Create Basic Tables" under PCK Config page now creates a new table.
  • Added the delivery time and order time on order details of Orders Report page.
  • New button on SMS Config tab (locations/update) to test if the API connection is properly online.
  • Changes to the Customer Order Screen: 1 - If all orderlines of an order are set as done, the order continues in status "Under production". This only changes when the order status is set as done. 2 - The order id and table number were replaced by the last 3 digits of the order id.
  • The option Enable Location (locations/update) when it's deactivated now allows the customer to look the menu but not order anything. A message is shown informing that the restaurant is not available and all payment buttons are disabled in this case.
  • Prevented passwords auto fill on the retrieve password page.
  • Moved the QR code function to the original receipt template and removed step 3.5.
21.35 04/09/2021
  • Fixed a bug that made the screen blank after the client try to reset the password via SMS link.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a wrong redirection when clicking on the button "Lag ny ordre" of order history. The table clients were redirected to Takeaway.
  • New QR code feature that can be enabled in table order settings (locations/update). This will show a QR code in the receipt page that when scanned will show a button to confirm the order, setting it as delivered.
  • Added order comments and orderline comments in the Orders Report URL.
  • Translate the messages of the Call Waiter feature.
  • Translate the message of the retrieve password feature.
21.34 25/08/2021
  • Fixed a bug where the option "Enable Location" (locations/update) wasn't working properly.
  • Fixed a bug where deleted attributes were still being showed in products.
  • Fixed a bug that caused exclusive table order menus (like Alcohol) to be shown in takeaway version.
  • Many images used in the system were moved to a CDN in order to improve performance.
  • Added back buttons on items/update_attr and menus/update pages.
  • Call waiter feature is now available in table orders. This feature needs to be enabled on location/update page, and then an waiter button will show up next to the basket. The calls will be registered at the Call Waiter URL, also found on locations/update.
  • Added a button on the receipt page that allows the receipt to be sent to the customer email.
  • Added one more verification at the table checkout to make sure the table number input is not empty when clicking on pay button.
  • Now the attributes update in SMS sync only updates the name and price.
  • Now the button "Go" of the mobile number keypad works as the pay button on table checkout.
  • Removed the footer button "Neste" on the Login/Register and the button "Tilbake" on the checkout page. Also changed the layout of the Login button.
  • Removed an old message about minimum price that was shown when the basket was empty.
21.33 17/08/2021
  • Fixed a bug where the default country code wasn't +47 at the login/registration page.
  • Fixed a bug where the topbar with the food menus was showing up at the login/registration page.
  • Added an option in categories/update called "Hide Attributes" that defines if the attributes list is open or collapsed by default (when adding an item to the basket).
  • Created a new verification at the checkout that prevents the table orders from being registered without table numbers.
  • Several performance improvements were done inside the code in order to make the system faster. More changes like this are probably coming on next versions as well.
  • Now we execute the function that checks the order status only in the receipt page (since it's the only page that uses this feature).
  • Layout changes to the covid registration page, including new position for the button "Jeg vil ikke registrerer meg" and rename of button "Laster" to "Registrer".
  • Layout changes in the customer kitchen screen: now we always show the yellow and green screens.
  • Layout changes to the pop-up that opens when you click on an item (to add to the basket). The description text is smaller and the title is bigger.
21.32 11/08/2021
  • Fixed a bug in kitchen screen where an order could sometimes be set as done but don't be visible in the Done filter.
  • Fixed a bug in kitchen screen that was preventing the page to be automatically refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug in kitchen screen that was showing unpaid orders on the list.
  • Fixed a bug in kitchen screen where the whole order would be marked as done when only an item was set as done.
  • Replaced the old order confirmation screen by a new page in mobile. The new receipt now shows payment method, order status, more details about MVA and Grunnlang, etc.
  • Created a new page that is linked to the kitchen screen. It shows two types of orders in a clear way: in progress and done. If it's a table order, the table number is shown. Otherwise, the order id is shown. The link can be found in tab "Links" under location/update page.
  • New option in "Actions" button of the kitchen screen. Now it's possible to change a printer of an item easily by selecting the item and clicking on the option "Send to printer". This only change the printer of that specific order line, leaving the category printer intact.
  • Several features for the kitchen screen: 1 - Notification sound when a new order comes in. This option need to be enabled in tab "Table Order" under locations/update page. 2 - Order the list based on delivery time. 3 - Option to set an item as inactive, so it can't be sold anymore (the X button). 4 - Option to send a SMS under "Actions". This can only be used in orders that have phone number. 5 - New order type called "Kasse ordre".
  • Option to show the order status on basket. This can be enabled in tab "Table Order" under locations/update page.
  • Improved the screen that shows a message when a company turns off temporarily ("SYSTEM STATUS" option). Now the company logo is also shown.
  • The customers that are using Takeaway version (or aren't using table orders) can now see the menu without logging. The login, although, is required before going to checkout page.
21.27 08/07/2021
  • Fixed a bug in Booking assistant page that was showing the same window two times.
  • Fixed a bug in Takeaway basket that was making the items array bigger than necessary.
  • Fixed a bug that was wrongly redirecting the customer and making companies_address_id = 0 and table number = null in the order.
  • Added a new dark color scheme called Plorea for Booking assistant page. This can be activated in companies/config page.
  • New login for our Takeaway and Table Order system. For more details of this feature, please contact our support to access the our exclusive PDF document about it.
  • Now it's possible to define different priorities for Buffet items in the related tab of items/update page.
  • Added a editable field called Daily Info in Sideinformasjon page at companies/pages. This information will be shown in the initial page of the new login feature.
  • Change "Velg størrelse" text to "Velg" in Takeaway.
  • Design changes to make the customer side page and order history more mobile friendly in Takeaway.
21.22 01/06/2021
  • Fixed a bug in SMS syncronization that was throwing an 501 error when trying to sync articles.
  • Fixed the new Norway country code all through the system.
  • Now we included the field "secondarySalesPrice" into our field "price_inside_restaurant" when we get articles from SMS API.
  • Transformed category text to uppercase.
21.21 26/05/2021
  • Fix to some images that couldn't be uploaded to our server.
  • Fix to address register modal. The google API wasn't auto completing the address input.
  • New customer login in Takeaway module. Now the customer just insert the phone number and follow the instructions.
  • New feature "Apply categories cook time" in plugin/index, with a input in categories/update page. This allow the restaurant to control the pre order times when the customer buys an item of that category.
  • Improvements to Plorea color scheme.
  • New non-percentage discount case to consider when a discount doesn't point to any article or article group.
21.20 18/05/2021
  • Fixed a bug where pre order wasn't working when selecting 0 or 1 day ahead option.
  • Fixed a bug where the SMS Sync couldn't be disabled in restaurant/locations/update page.
  • The SMS's sent in takeaway are now customizable in plugin/index page. There are two types: the confirmation one sent after an order and the buffet one sent after buying a buffet product.
  • Added a discount option for takeaway customers that are ordering for the first time. The discount is customizable in plugin/index page and can only be used for takeaway, not delivery.
  • New API that sends SMS through our system. The documentation can be found at docs/sms.
  • New utility function that will automatically update all meta data in database from companies to their respective locations (companies_addresses).
  • Improvements for the weekly agenda: now it's possible to book an appointment by clicking on an empty hour, the working hours are shown in the agenda, red as standard appointment color, button to mark an appointment as done and change its color to blue, button to advance to next week, checkbox to change the color to yellow in booking, show comments inside the box if there are any, etc. Obs: this feature is not designed for slow internet connections.
  • Layout changes in the location update page: removed old fields, created a new tab called Setup, made the fields Employee ID and Departament No not mandatory when Enable Web Services is off (as this wasn't allowing updates in SMS settings), etc.
  • Adapted the function of session/choose that checks if each company POS module is PCK or SMS to the new SMS location settings. Obs: this can make the function heavier, since there is more data to process.
  • Transformed all product text to uppercase in all color schemes.
  • Several table settings were moved from plugin/index page to each restaurant location page (restaurant/locations/update).
  • Ordered buffet item list (items/update) with the same priority as it is shown in table order main page. To change this priority, just drag and drop the items in menus/show URL and click on "Oppdater".
21.16 20/04/2021
  • Layout fix of when there is no company logo, removing an empty space in mobile version. Also fixed wrong font color in combo category name.
  • Created the weekly view for agenda in Easy Booking, accessible in the sidebar menu Agenda.
  • Created a button called "Create Basic Tables" in PCK Config page (restaurant/locations/update), that executes some queries in our server ES-01.
  • Preparation for the support of different vat setups and prices in table orders. Synchronization of these prices with Easy Order is still needed.
  • Implementantion of Article Update API in SMS, including new methods to synchronize and update articles, menus, categories, items, attributes, etc.
  • Moved SMS API setup from general config page to the tab SMS Config in restaurant/locations/update. This means that each address will have its own setup for SMS synchronization.
21.14 06/04/2021
  • Changed the message under categories/index when no categories were registered.
  • Now the menus, categories and attributes have a checkbox in each update page to deactivate them. This can be useful to deactivate a specific attribute that has run out of stock, or just deactivate the entire menu or category.
  • New synchronization buttons were included in our PCK Config tab of locations/update such as Categories, Articles, Attributes, Images and Customers synchronizations.
  • New option to hide the comment box of all products of a category. This is located at categories/update.
  • QR code generator added to the Links tab of locations/update. This is available for Table Order URL and Client Identification URL (COVID-19). The code can be printed upon button click.
  • Some colors of Plorea style were adjusted for better looking.
  • The order id is now encrypted in the receipt URL message sent to the customer.
21.12 23/03/2021
  • Fix to attributes priority not working in modal window for types 2 and 3.
  • Hide the ASAP option if the company doesn't work with pre orders and the restaurant is closed at the time.
  • Added the possibility to reactivate a company in the choose screen (after login).
  • Implementation of a new plugin to prevent browser auto fill in forms.
  • Added a new color scheme to takeaway: Plorea
  • The covid export file now supports norwegian characters ÆØÅ.
  • The table number was added to covid report under reports/covid URL.
  • Clean up of unused customers accounts and duplications in database. Customers that never had no orders in takeaway and no appointments in booking were deleted. If your account was affected somehow, please contact support.
  • Normalize menu and category text in the main page of takeaway.
  • Miscellaneous changes like different element colors, footer background color, script improving, etc.
21.09 02/03/2021
  • Improves to Dintero's session id handling. Fixed a bug where the customer could pay the order twice using Vipps.
  • Fixed a layout bug where the item list would broke with only one item.
  • Fixed a bug where the tips and delivery fee would come twice in the receipt page order lines.
  • Added a new report that generates a list of customers that registered themselves in our covid identification page, including phone, table and order numbers. The user can select the date period, send this data by email and also register a image of the table setup.
  • Now when customers are registered in our covid identification page, there's a 2 hour cookie that prevents them from registering again when they scan the QR code during this period.
  • Adapted the .csv file generated in covid/lists to the new fields added recently. Fields like surname, table number and country code are now in the export file.
  • Changed the vat for self checkout when Eat Choice option is deactivated.
21.05 05/02/2021
  • Menu on to of the browser where user are using a mobile device - Prevent the item list to get on top of the topbar menu when scrolling the products in step 1 and 2.
  • Removed the Resync SMS button from Tino´s Hotell og Restaurant AS and Beitostølen Lodge Barcraft AS.
  • Added a * in mandatory fields of the customer registration page (step 3).
  • The companies list of session/choose URL now shows if each company is a PCK or SMS client. If the Post Order URL is defined in SMS clients, the list shows that the sync is active, otherwise not active.
  • We moved the SMS Order Sync from the step 4 (when an order is completed and the receipt is shown) to Dintero's callback. We also make sure that the session info is cleared after the payment.
  • The company registration by email link was turned off. Now it is just the form with a new module selection (Booking, Takeaway, etc...)
  • Customer discount new rule: if a discount doesn't point to an specific item or menu, it will be applied to all items.
  • The modal for inserting the table number now shows the current location's name.
  • We improved the covid report that generates a .csv file export located in the Links tab of restaurant/locations/update/. Now it is ordered by date and show the table number when available (this is not always available because the phone number needs to have an order registered in the same day as the visit).
  • Added new fields to the covid registration form: last name, table number and country code.
20.49 11/12/2020
  • Norrein's item calculation pages are online, although they are still on a development process.
  • SMS integration improvement: now a message is shown to the customer in the receipt page in case the API returns an error of "Not possible to order".
  • Items update page was improved, now having different tabs to make the layout more clear. Also, there is a new description field.
  • Text changes in "Legg til ingrediens" and "Legg til ingredienser", both changed to "Legg til" only.
20.48 03/12/2020
  • Fix to prevent the restaurant address row from losing its company_id field in database when submiting the update of locations/update page. This happened after the session information was lost, usually when the user login in the same browser in both plugin/direct and control panel.
  • Fix to the buffet URL flag that was undefined in some cases.
  • Fix to prevent the Default User (table ordering user) to access the Min Side page that contains all order history.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to SMS integration: checking when urls of plugin/index are not defined, changing the pos live check and changing department number meta variable.
  • New layout for the department update page (locations/update).
  • Text change to the receipt page when using the Auto Generate Table No feature. We now show the text "Hente Nr" instead of "Bord".